Appletree Support Ltd is a domiciliary care agency based in Havant. The agency provides personal care and support for people in their own homes living in Hampshire.
Appletree Support Ltd are a local organisation offering care and support to children and young people with disabilities, Autism, Challenging Behaviour and complex health needs in the Hampshire and Portsmouth areas.
Lead by our knowledgeable and friendly management team, we provide highly trained members of staff to support children in their own homes and in the community with activities.
We pride ourselves on delivering high standards of care and commitment to our service users.
In order to offer the most effective service for you,we encourage all children, young people and theirfamilies to participate in the design and choice oftheir care package in order to tailor make it toyour individual needs.
We provide our services to:
Children and young people with AutisticSpectrum Disorder• Children and young people with complex healthcare needs and palliative care• Children and young people with physicaldisabilities• Children and young people with learningdisabilities• Children and young people with challengingbehaviour• Children and young people with acquired braininjuries• Children and young people with emotionaldifficulties• Children and young people with attachmentdisorders

How to find Appletree Support Ltd
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