The Hesley Village

Hesley Hall, Stripe Road, Tickhill, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 9HH

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Established in 1975, Hesley Group provides flexible, specialist residential services and schools.


Hesley Village is situated in open countryside within a large 100-acre site about two miles from the small South Yorkshire villages of Tickhill and Rossington. The service provides high standards of accommodation, personal care and support for adults with learning disabilities who often (but not always) have an autistic spectrum disorder. We may occasionally provide services to young adults aged 16 or 17 who are in transition to adults services though generally we support adults aged 18 and above.


Our philosophy

The people we support all have complex needs, often including behaviours that can challenge them and the services that support them. Our aim is to enable people to fulfil their potential; to live their lives as positively as possible within an environment that is appropriate to each person’s individual needs; and to support people with their health and personal care needs so they can achieve a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.


There are on-site facilities to support people with occupational and employment opportunities and transport to support people to access services and facilities locally. Hesley Village operates a residential model for 76 people, living in high-quality single person flats and three-person houses or bungalows.


We place a strong emphasis on enabling people to develop the skills which will allow them, wherever possible, to lead more independent lives, to achieve social inclusion and to be involved in meaningful activity of their own choice.


Staff and support

Hesley Village has a highly experienced, comprehensive staff team, comprising of managerial and support staff and a multi-disciplinary clinical team who together work cohesively to enable those who live at Hesley Village to live the fullest lives possible.


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How to find The Hesley Village

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