The Bungalow

2 llminster Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2DR

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At The Bungalow we support five individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities. We can support people with complex health issues. The service is situated in Taunton with easy access to parks, countryside and beaches, as well as leisure facilities in town.

We believe the people who live at The Bungalow should be at the centre of everything we do - ensuring their lives are varied, fun and meaningful is the key to success. Any achievement is celebrated, no matter how small it may seem, and we aim to give everyone new experiences.

Although the people we support cannot communicate their wishes verbally, the team work closely with each individual to find out what interests them, and ensure that these things are present in the service. Total communication is promoted to allow everyone to express their choices.

The staff team is well established, which ensures continuity for people living at the service. Staff are dynamic and enthusiastic and promote person centred support for all. They are keen to share their personal interests, such as gardening, arts, crafts and cooking, with the poeple who live here and other staff, in order to enhance each person’s quality of life. All staff receive specialist training, both within the service and externally.

The service is a detached bungalow with six bedrooms, all with en-suite facilities, and is equipped to meet the needs of people with a physical disability. We have a sensory room, a conservatory and a large, well maintained garden, which features a wheelchair swing. We have recently installed raised beds with great success – the people we support have been involved at every stage, and are now enjoying home grown produce.

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