Fairlawn Residential Home

St Marys Road, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9HB

Average review score of 4.7 from 23 customer reviews

"Basically good (otherwise my Mother wouldn't be there) but just not enough staff available to ensure a high enough level of care - though they are all working hard there just aren't enough of them. I would prefer someone to make sure my mother drinks and eats properly - she always declines everything offered but with encouragement will eat or drink more. She is dehydrated and this is a problem. She has been in hospital once recently and I can see she may well be readmitted shortly if things don't improve. Dehydration is an enormous problem and causes confusion etc"
Alison J, 17th August 2014


Fairlawn is a residential care home registered to provide accommodation and personal care for up to 60 older people. On the second floor there is specialist care for people with dementia.

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