Guideposts Trust Limited - 82a High Street

82a High Street, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 9AT

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There are several services running in Hertfordshire: -

Shared Lives Scheme - This scheme can help adults with learning and/ or other disabilities find a home to live with a carer as part of their family, or in kinship care and similar arrangements providing an alternative to residential care.

The Friendship Schemes invites invdividuals on a volunteer basis to become friends with an adult with learning disabilities.  Volunteers are appropriately matched and the meetings are supervised until the friend and volunteer are happy to meet on their own.  As well as one to one friendships there are joint activities that let people meet others in a fun and enjoyable way.

Learning Disabilities Community Opportunities - an allocated keyworker is assigned to provide a tailored plan of activities specific to the individual.  We provide friendly, flexible support to those with learning disabilities, either from our base or out in the community.  Support could be with budgeting, supported living, trying out new activities, accessing further education, learning new life skills and developing communication skills through signing, symbols etc.

The Community & Leisure Schemes - We support small groups of people to go out on a regular basis, mostly in the evenings to enjoy different activities in the community.  Activities include bowling, football, pub meals, cinema etc.

The Community Holiday Project - We arrange one holiday per year for some of the people who benefit from the Community Activity Scheme, but who would also benefit from a holiday and thereby give their carers a longer break.

Great Grove Projects - Our conservation woodland project provides an active lifesyle, community team work and friendships for adults with Learning Disabilities.  People learn new skills, make friends and do a variety of woodland activities.

The Guideposts Shop - Our Kids Boutique Shop is a work training project providing a real working enviroment for adults with learning disabilities.

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